If you're a professional painter, decorator, color designer or just want to paint your own house, you need Color Style Studio. Color Style Studio enables you to select color schemes using photos of real objects such as a house, an interior, an exterior. Choose colors from California Paints, PPG, Colortrend, NCS, RAL, Sikkens, Symphony and 80 other available sets (more then 45000 various colors). Increase your revenue and gain an advantage over your competition using this unique visual color reception service
Everything that surrounds us has a color. We cannot change the colors of nature, but we can unite them and create thousand of tints that re-awaken romance and passion. However, the more color schemes there are, the more questions your customers will have. But don’t worry. Color Style Studio answers them all including these common questions:
* "What is the best color to paint my house trim?"
* "If I paint the walls and ceiling of my room in beige tints, will they be in harmony with umber furniture?"
* "Should I paint my garage doors a different color than the soffet?"
* "What color to paint wainscoating ?"
Color Style Studio turns the complicated process of color selection into an interesting and exciting exercise of simplicity.
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